yup, you are lucky Theo. pondmeisting just aint on the radar screen around here.

hey jeff, if you didnt see me post this elsewhere its worth repeating......long story led up to me bringing NINE surviving gambusia back to my pond in early May IIRC.....nine little mosquito fish for an acre of water.....when you walk the edges of my pond now (a mere 4 months later) there are literally thousands upon thousands of the little buggers....I really am a proud papa, i knew they proliferated well, but this is rather unbelievable.

all they need are some weeds for cover, they hang out in the shallowest of areas......despite my GSF (and GSF babies \:D \:D ) they are kickin butt......come on over bring a net and a bucket (and a six pack), and I'll give ya some.

GSF are people too!