Hey Tim:

I offered them any access they wanted, I'd blade up a lane for turnaround (plenty of space and 60x100 feet of gravel already) and I'd HAVE to maintaine it, as it faces the house and we'd look at it every day...or so tells me the wife. 8^)

It just seems that the FD doesn't have anyone with enough time/giddyup to actually fill out the grant forms. I don't believe I'm allowed to do it...chief (friend of mine) says "maybe next year, if the money's still available".

Not sure if better half will allow that, as the area's now seeded and looking good. Kind of hard to dig and lay the pipe deep enough after the pond's full...we'll see if this winter/next spring fills the hole. If not, maybe...

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...