Congrats to you Mark!

My wife and I had our first baby on Aug. 4, '04. She was 7lb/10oz., and 19" long.

Her calves look like little fat LMBs.

Unlike most of you, and like some of you, I don't live at my pond, nor do I have a house or cabin there.

But now it's time to build. Can't have the wife or baby sleeping in a tent!

In the meantime, I've got to develop the best most efficient way to transport my bundle of joy to and from our pond. If I don't get that figured out, then I won't be able to go to my pond much at all.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."