Originally posted by jeffhasapond:
I realize that D.I.E.D. and I are sort of rebels for hanging onto our Green Sunfish but I gotta tell ya they sure are fun to catch.

This specimen was 9.5" long and weighed 11oz. It was a complete blast to catch.... ......... Is there a way to manage a LMB, GSF and BG population in a 3 acre pond? I hate to erradicate my Green Sunnies, I'm growing quite fond of them (not in an abnormal way mind you).

So how can I manage to keep these beasties? Any thoughts?

Observing your pic I notice that your fish appear to have very little slope from dorsal fin to mouth (you know BG have those big curvy helmets that Theo admires so much), whereas mine appear to have some degree of curvature in between yours and BG....see couple of pics (fish in 9-11" class)

edited post to restore fish pics above and add a couple recent (5/07) ones:

Maybe its just the way its being held? or maybe my genetics actually mingled with BG sometime long ago? I am remiss for not getting those gape measurements for you Bill.....

edited post..i forgot to add that since most folks manage to rid ponds of GSF, you and I jeff might be the first here to attempt directed mgmt for GSF. this fall I want to add some RES (I am still debating about pure BG), and am very curious if GSF could serve well as the top predator in a lepomis only pond (small pond in my case (~1 acre). I am also still debating whether or not to add a small number of either LMB or spotted next spring.

Also, Bill Cody.....if you see this...(or anybody else)...Jeff's GSF displays a couple of the small growths (warts?) on the pec fin that I asked you about a while back..I had those on the GSF that inhabited my pond years ago (prior to renovation)...what are those?

GSF are people too!