Wow, everybody, thanks so much. i'm grinning ear to ear as i type this. my little girl Ava "Sloane", started crying, and i went to pick her up. I went over to the dryer and turned it on, leaned up against it, and whala, she fell right to sleep. I've told several patients to try that, but to actually try it myself and see it work, man, what a feeling. like i was telling Bob Lusk earlier, I just cried last night when she was snuggled up against me, she was so peaceful, so adorable. thanked God (and still thanking Him) for such a precious gift. man, what a feeling. my whole life i've lived a life to be a father my child (or maybe children), can be proud of, and to have that moment finally come true is amazing. well, enough of me rambling on about my precious little girl. oh, another thing that was great was I delivered her (I'm a Family Physician, so it's not like I just let her pop out next to the pond! although....!!!) anyway, if anyone is interested, i'd love to email you some pics. i've had some trouble emailing some pics, so if i do send them to you and there are probs, let me know. As I am sure many of you parents know, having little Sloane also reinforced how wonderful my wife Amy is (and yes Bob, I am trying to make sure hers and my paths cross more often...less fishing and flying, more Amy time!!)

Well, since I'm feeling sentimental, I'll go ahead and tell all you pond bossr's how much i've enjoyed the past 2 years on this website, getting to know many of you folks well. what a great website, and good people. anyone have a kleenex?!!! mark williams