
As I mentioned when the pics of the giant 'Rainy Lake' pike first started making the rounds, I had sent off an email to my friend Jan Eggers (AKA 'The Pike Ferret') in Holland to see if he knew the story behind the fish... As usual, he did. Here's what Jan had to say about the fish...

"This pike was caught on the 6th of March 2006 by Dutch fisherman Ewout Blom in a pretty big lake in the south of Holland, I know the name of the lake from where quite a number of 40 plus pikes were caught and released but promised not to mention the name to avoid too heavy fishing pressure.

"This pike had a length of 127 cm and a weight of 19,5 kilo and was caught trolling with a Rapala Super Shad Rap in perch colour and I have about 10 original digital pictures of this fish"

For the metric-impaired (such as yours truly), 127cm and 19.4 kilos works out to right around 50 inches, and just barely shy of 43 pounds...

So, not 50 pounds, NOT Rainy Lake...

Rob Kimm

i only wanted to have some fun