D.I.E.D. Ca: When I read your post, I laughed. For some reason, I got a visual image of some guy huffing and puffing trying to fill his chute and guide it away. I probably watched too many roadrunner / wiley coyote cartoons as a kid. I have skydived a few times. You can guide the rectangular chutes pretty well, but you can't make them rise back up worth a darn (well... maybe in a canyon with a strong updraft, but then walls get in the way).

All: It isn't my lake. There is a dispute going on around this 50+ acre private lake involving an old covenant and new owner. The moral of this story is not to let anyone own any land near your lake if you can avoid it and think twice before buying one if they already do. The situation is really nasty and is going to court.

I became involved in an official capacity, but it has been interesting from perspective of learning more about fish kills, lake management, politics, and everything else.

edited to fix a typo

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