Originally posted by rockytopper:
heybud another option for cleaning out muck is a wheel loader. ............
i'm w/ ML on the dozer....but i rent everything. no maintenance hassles, just pick a job, get it in, get it out....problems solved.

i have never a witnessed a dozer that could keep up with a track hoe (w/ at least a 3-foot bucket)....we call them excavators out here......man they (good operators) move dirt fast. in fact my friend who operated the hoe took great pleasure in burying (sometimes literally) the dozer operators (me being one of them)......after loading us down, he'd stop, peer out of his airconditioned stereo, joystick hoe hole and give us a $#@! eating grin....this went on for two weeks.......still looking for a way to get em back.

rockytoppers idea about a wheeled loader is one i struggled with....and in retrospect, i wish i had rented one on my project. it took two dozers to keep up w/ the excavator and we barely did that.

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