My son-in-law came up from Florida and wanted to go fishing on my pond for LMB, so I was happy to oblige.

He caught the first bass (around 3 pounds), then a 2 pounder. I loaded up with a 4 pounder and a 2 pounder myself and we threw back about four more smaller ones. He finally landed another one almost 2 pounds in weight.

When we got back to the wooden dock at the end of our floating pier, I pulled the boat up and caught the chain-type stringer on one of the planks and the bass broke loose.

Fortunately, my foot could not reach my rear end or I would have had a kickin' contest.

There is no telling where that stringer ended up. Man, what could I do, except feel like the world's biggest dummy. Man, that was a nice stringer of fish for only an hour's worth of work.

My wife says not to worry, we will see that stringer again. I seriously doubt it.

Now what a fish story that would make if one of us could snag that stringer tomorrow.

Have you ever felt like the world's biggest idiot?

Thanks for allowing me to get this off my chest.

R. Chandler

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