With all the dire warnings about the vast hordes of stunted green sunfish that would result from this experiment, I've been trying hard to trap/find some offspring from the TGG's.

This past weekend, I set a large fish trap, one which usually nets a couple dozen baby BG every couple of hours in my large pond, and checked it regularly over a three day period.

Result: zero Fx offspring, not a one.

Some possible explainations that have come to mind for this are:

1) there are no surviving Fx offspring and the HSB are doing there job just as intended
2) the TGG's haven't spawned yet
3) the trap is ineffective
4) I received all male TGG from Deb's place
5) rumors of green sunfish are, as Mark Twain once stated about his death, greatly exaggerated.

I'm strongly leaning to #1 and #5 but welcome any comments and/or suggestions as to the reasons for the apparent lack of Fx offspring.

Not being familiar with the spawning habits of these fish, #2 also seems like a possibility....although I have considerable evidence of large CNBG spawn in other ponds.