Here is one plan - thanks again for all the help - how does this work?
Transfer 40-50 BG from existing - there are plenty from 2" through 6" - mostly seem to be 3-4". Can I easily tell male/female? - Purchase 15 lb FH, 100 BG 2-4", and 100 RES 2-4".
Any concern about the new arrivals overwhelming the food source?
Then next spring (June?) - 100 LMB 2-4", 50 HSB 2-4", 50 YP 2-4" and 30 CC 3-5".
Again - about 1 acre when filled. Now must be 3/4 of the surface area, and about 6' deep.
You guys are great.

2/3 acre pond 12 miles from that big pond we call Lake Erie.