I went fishing monday on the lake and caught 20 largemouth. 5 were 12"-13" so I let them go while the rest were 12" and smaller and the 15 fish weighted 9 pounds on my analog handheld scale. I was out for about 4 hours with an hour break and I stopped around 1:00pm CST. I had caught 4 fish released two by 11:00am CST so most of my fish were caught around noon.

It was cold too. I'd say very low 50's for the most part but high 40's after the wind chill factor. Still very much above the average temperature. Its fairly normal though to have abnormal temperatures in the winter here but on average it doesn't last this long and we get two snows a month.

I went around the shore on the lake once in the morning and then twice around noon. They were scattered but I was catching them. I caught more on this trip than I've done on this lake in one day, ever. I'd compare it to the Kentucky/Barkley Lake trip we took in October. It was chilly then yet I caught 26 fish that day and most were before noon. They was all 9"-13" fish but there was smallmouth mixed in with the largemouth. Smallmouth and awesome fish.

They always seem to be scattered around the shore here. Trolling the open water has caught me a few fish but I haven't had the fish finder out to look at it much. I really want to put in some deep water cover but I have to "map" the lake first. I have put in two small-medium sized brush piles that had dozens of fish on them for the first year they were in the water but the first one rarely produces fish now and second has tappered off alot. Probably time to put out another one.

-Allch Chcar
Living the dream, 21 acres. No pond, yet.