
I understand what you're saying. I'm pretty good with what ever happens as I honestly don't think there is a bad side to this. I have a pond that has fish in it. Everything else is just gravy!!!!!!!!

All the trees are doing great. I was a little worried over the winter when they were all dormant, but as spring arrived, they all came to life and are looking healthy. Of course, I don't know my trees very well, so it could be that I'm just clueless.

I did have one of my old oaks half die on me. I was careful of the roots around it and didn't cut any of them, but I did build up the dirt some to create a crown on the road that passes it.

That oak forks into two trunks. One side is fine, but the other side never sprouted any leaves. It's also droping branches on my road. Sometimes big branches that are well over a foot thick.

I'm really sad about that tree as it was an old one and pretty impressive. Obviously I put too much dirt on it's roots, too soon.

In a month or so, I'll post some pics of the dam with the grass all nicely mowed. I'll also post a few pics that show the trees so you can see how nice they look.


Lake Marabou

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.