I also replied to that ad out of curiosity and it was easy to see quickly that guy was a crook.
As always, if it sounds too good to be true then it normally is a scam job!

I have recently purchased a large order of fish from Dunn's Fish Farm and was very pleased.
I spoke directly with David Dunn and found him to be very knowledgeable and honest with his recommendations. They coordinated a truck delivery of my fish order (it was quite large) and I felt like the fish were counted out carefully and were in excellent condition.
The driver did a good job and we tried our best to acclimate the fish during release. That process seemed a little bit difficult, fish are disoriented and you hope for healthy fish that will do well. We did not have hardly any floaters and kept a good watch for several days.

I would highly recommend Dunn's Fish Farm and so far could not be more impressed.

I plan several additional orders for my 3 new ponds as they fill.

That is if it ever rains in Oklahoma again!!