Public interest will always attract bug bucks which fuels further public interest/marketing. It gives the incentive for product innovation; not all of which pays off for the developer(s). Risk management goes just so far, then the purchasers make the final decision. Without public interest, the F1 bass prograns, hybrid stripers and a lot of things would not have been developed. I think BASS and competitive fishing have been key to these developments.

I don't need a $50,000 boat to catch fish. Nor do I need to use a $15 crank bait. Although I own neither if those things, I'm glad I have the opportunity to purchase and use them. Competitive participants are active consumers of these products; I'm passive.

Bruce, you've also handed out an inestimable amount of information here. Thanks to you and a bunch of others! My knowledge has really evolved here. At one time, I thought I knew what I was doing on water holes. Now, I realize that I have only scratched the surface. Hope I never stop itching.