Sorry to dissappoint you but have no problem with it. My friend hates Pro fishing and has for years called it BED Masters. The tournament trail starts in south and goes north to max chances at catching bedding fish. He is right butit makes for good TV though. Not much fun to watch folks not catching anything.

Sorry to say but feel removing bass from beds on public water does not limit the carrying capacity of bass on these reservoirs. Many other factors that have far greater consequences on population than that. Now delayed mortality is more of an issue. However they have done alot to increase the chances of 100% survival in these tournaments.

I say to each his own I do not like to tell others what they can not do. If it gets folks out enjoying the environment then ok. If you would rather sit on your dock drink a cold beer and catch a few catfish go for it. However why criticize others if their way of fun is diff than yours.

On Ray Scott.. although I do not agree on many fronts, he has overall I believe only benefited the fishing industry as a whole.

Greg Grimes