
Thanks for the reply

Since the ground water table is the same as the pond surface level, I don’t see how it would be possible to siphon water out of the pond.

During one season an asphalt company pumped water from the pond for dust control purposes on area gravel roads. The pump they used had a 5” intake and a 4 cylinder diesel engine for power. At full capacity they could only draw down the pond 1” or 2”. We are talking serious water here!

I think Rotenone is probably where I am headed. At and estimated 2.5 million gallons of water, what type of costs are we looking at for Rotenone?

I have GPS coordinates for the shoreline. I used those coordinates to determine the 5 acre surface area. I plan to use my GPS and sonar to create a lake map as you suggest. I hadn’t considered the importance of where to place the structure, though that is a very good point.

The excavation was indeed paid for by the gravel that was removed. If it weren’t for “trading gravel for water”, I would have gone broke after the first couple of months!

Thanks again,


Life is Good on Bremer Pond

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