Hello, Everyone. I'm new to this forum. I recently acquired property with an eight acre lake on it. Cattails have taken over 85% of the shoreline and form a six foot deep band in some places so thick you can't get to the water. Would like to start by removing cattails completely near the house and docks and proceed from there. Winter season now. The cattails have turned brown. When pulling them, the plants break easily and no longer pull the bulbs or roots out. I just bought an underwater weed rake/cutter. I've read mixed reports here. Will cutting the plants underwater at this time of year help keep them from coming back? Tempted to have them dug out with an excavator but that huge job would disturb the bank edges so much. Dogs drink the lake water and we swim in it in the summer-- reluctant to use Habitat for those reasons... Ideas? Thanks. --Gadgetnut