There are many still in tentsand they are not receiving enough help. Femadoes not move trailers fast enough and many are reported setting empty. Many people it is reported asked for trailers but are unable to get them.
I was in a meeting the other day and various ones were discussing privately their situation. I thought one older guy would break down as he discussed his situation and the insurance he said would not pay off. He said the golden years should be nice but he stated he is hurting. It is reported many of the insurance companies will not settle so the people are really caught and can not move ahead and their is bound to be many taking bankruptcy. One person called me for help as he was still making payments on his slab as there was no house and the mortgage company would not give any relief.
A funny side note, we were able to get our telephone service restored yesterday. We had been without any service since Katrina.
Clothes are not the answer as many do not hasve any place to store them and many that were passing out donated clothes had no takers so the clothes were discarded.
There is lots of people helping to clean out property and homes but that said it is just the tip of the ice berg. With cold weather we may lose some people as tents will not suffice the older people in this cold weather.
What is the answer-I am not sure but we should try to help in small ways at least. We called on a brother and sister the other day and the sister gave my wife a hug as a gesture that someone cares enough to help. We always make sure they know it is not our money and exactly which groups are helping to make this possible. We have one lady on social security that donates regularly each month.
Please remember all donated monies are passed along to the needy and there is no administrative charges. I am late with my report as the bank statement become lost and we requested another. Hope to get the accountant report by week end. The mail service here has not returned to normal but it is getting closer.

paul weatherholt