I think I have had a lightbulb, maybe! I have been perplexed for awhile on this gpg versus ppm thing so I pulled out the Hach manual again just now. It does say to count the drops then multiply by 17 (or 17.1). Gator only required 1 drop before complete color change, which when multiplied by 17.1 would give the low ppm reading.
What am I missing here? I feel really ignorant on this topic (but I want things to be done right) so any help would be appreciated.
If Gator is really at 17 (or 17.1), then we need to raise him for optimum growth. Only problem will be the high ammonia levels with lime.
Thanks ML for offering to help on the local test. Maybe this will shed a bit more light. Lord knows I will benefit from it.


By the way, I noticed before that others were using some type of digital equipment when on site. Does that measure in ppm or gpg? Greg had stated 20 ppm as ideal, but could he have meant gpg of 20 x 17.1 = 342 ppm? See, told you I was confused. Give me fish, genetics, or bacteria and I am ok, but this stuff.....
Cody are you out there? Bruce? Anyone?

Do fish actually kiss?