The pond is 11' in the deepest part, I was fishing in 8' to 11' with cabbage. My visibility is 2 1/2 to 3" tops. I am looking forward to an 11 pounder, two days ago I caught my biggest so far at 3lbs even. 4 lb test line and one heck of a fight, a little over 5 minutes. I didn't realize this but they have a bone or spine in the top margin of their tail, might be what gives them their power. I think the pacu will eat almost anything, I had a plastic milk carton I was using as a marker, pulled it out a week later and the top had a hole chewed through it. Caught a kilo weight one on carrot.
I have a two week wait, finally, on the barramundi.
Let me know how you do.

1/4 & 3/4 acre ponds. A thousand miles from no where and there is no place I want to be...
Dwight Yoakam