Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it.

I understand Meadowlark, Bob and Dave's collective point. Gravel is a big drainage problem. And yes, I do want the pond to hold water.

You are thinking along the lines of what I was. Let's say the gravel "vein" turns out to be 4 or 5 foot deep. I could go wider on one side of the pond. Stack the best clay aside for re-packing the bottom. I should have enough to cover it with 2 feet. Have gravel for whatever it's worth (to me or others). Best of all, have a bigger pond!

I do want to factor in for a 2 foot water level drop on my pond for those Texas droughts. Kinda like the one we are in right now around my place. So I want to go as deep as I realistically can. It's this long dry summer that allowed me to get the heavy equipment in the pond area in the first place.

The catch is of course.... It's gonna cost me more than what we agreed on initially. I have a limited budget so... that's a big factor.

I'll talk it over with him today and weigh the options.

I think the key word I got from Bob and Dave's comments was Clay. I do have a good amount of it and it's quality stuff too. I'm pretty sure I'll have enough to cover the bottom, no matter what I end up doing.

Everyone's comments are MUCH appreciated!!
I'm at the brink of a big decision to make.

I'm completely new at pond ownership. I don't want to make any mistakes.