Originally posted by Gainesjs:
Can you catch and release HSB, or are they only fit for put & take?

Here's what I do. Right now, I release every one under a couple of pounds to grow more and keep most fish over that size to eat. As time goes on, I'll probably raise that bar to three pounds and then four pounds as I get more variety of size in the pond. I have released a few larger ones and as yet, haven't seen any hookshyness...but that may come with time.

Yes, I've seen a real stress level in the larger HSB in hot weather. Not so much so, however for the smaller ones. They don't seem to be stressed out as bad when caught. To avoid that in larger fish, use appropriate tackle, i.e. get them in quickly and released safely.

I killed one three pounder because I caught it on a 5 wt with very light leader. The fish fought to the death, literally. It was DOA. That is the only one that has happened to me with so far. I'm still learning.

As far as catching them over and over, I just don't know when they "learn" or get conditioned because mostly they get consumed when caught if they are in that over 2 pounds class. Ask me again next spring, when I expect 4 pounders to be common place, and some 5's every now and then.