Ewest said, “My father-in-law loves white pearch (crappie) . . .
It sure was good to see the name “white perch.” I haven’t heard anyone use it since I grew up and left Vicksburg too many years ago. I must be the only one here who likes “crappie” better than bg–but not by much. No crappie in my pond, so I let my friends do the bass fishing and I go after bg. I scale and fillet (skin-on) every bg I take out of my pond. I saute’ them in a little bit of olive oil with peppers and onion for breakfast most mornings, so I never have them in the freezer longer than 2 weeks. For that purpose, it works fine to freeze them (wet, but not covered in water) on a teflon cookie sheet and pop them into freezer bags as soon as they are stiff. I take out as many nice, flat fillets as I want for sauteing and put the rest back. They don’t have to be thawed before cooking, aren’t drowned in melt water, get good contact with the cooking surface, and don’t have time to get any freezer burn. Yum, Yum!
Lou 13.5 acres