Originally posted by Meadowlark:

As you probably know by now, I'm not a pro-fertilizer person, but it seems to me that taking a pond to max capacity with fert or any other means is not a good long term practice. We all need margins, myself more than others.

I found it interesting that the Tilapia survived the DO crash. From what I have seen of them, they can survive, even thrive, under conditions which would choke an ordinary fish. The only thing they can not tolerate is cool water.
At the moment I'm not pro fertilizer either.... \:\) Will be a tough decision for me next spring! I think the Talapia are very hearty fish! I have a mix of Talapia, not sure if yours do this but have you ever seen the momma Talapia protecting her fry by putting them in her mouth? I;ve seen her spit out the Talapia between her and the bank and fight off Bass and Bluegill (actually bumping in to one another), if the fish get to close she puts the fry back in her mouth.

If wishes were horses, dreamers would ride.

I must admit that I am not a fan of the Catfish \:\)