
"Tried and True" never advanced anything in the history of humans. It is safe, yes, but just not interesting to me.

If one is happy with what they have and do not desire/strive for more or better or seek to explore/gain knowledge, then status quo is the ticket.

I am not that way. I am not satisfied with my LMB behavior. I am not satisfied that the "professionals" can explain that behavior or modify it and most of all, I am not convinced that everything that can be known about LMB or ponds in general has already been discovered.

I simply reject out of hand the notion that the only people that can make a contribution to the knowledge/understanding of ponds/fish are those "professionals"....or that you have to manage 50 ponds in order to be able to speak.

I was 23 years old and sitting on a console in Mission Control when the first humans walked on the moon and there was not any "how to" manual then and people said it couldn't be done. I reject that kind of thinking, in fact abhore it.

Failure is a distinct possibility in my case. In my life, I have learned far more from failures than success. I relish the chance to learn, to contribute.

Sorry to talk about myself, and that got me in trouble with Greg, but I simply reject the notion that only "pros" can contribute to the knowledge base....and by the way, for the record, there is nothing in this response that is in anyway aimed at anyone other than myself. \:\)