Will do NEDOC, sounds like Big John wants to take his time, doesn’t sound like Big John to me.
Cecil, as far as bank stabilization your right about the prevailing wind but here our strongest come out of the north west and I should have specified that the dam is facing NNW so I think we have to do a lot of dam covering. We have a good deal of cement and limestone locally here that I think we can get our hands on so we don't have to pay the huge freight charge.

As far as all the other banks broam, canary grass, and hopefully cattails will fill in where cedar trees haven’t already. And about this we already have a notched bank from the old pond and the cedars roots are sticking out of the banks. The pond is now protected from wind a little on the sides but what does that do to the banks as far as stabilization. Would we be better off leaving the trees or taking them down?

Does anyone out there have any experience with canary grass? We know it is going to grow here and it will take a lot of work to keep it down but maybe it is a good thing to have around in some cases??? As NEDOC says ‘like a sponge’ I need information. Thanks

Anyone in need of a fisheries biologist to put to work???