Originally Posted by esshup
Why don't people look in the archives for the answer? There's a TON of data there if you'd take a look. This IS POND BOSS after all, and that is why we set up the archives.

So, I guess this makes site #3 where the data is on the internet...............................................


That thread doesn't answer the OP's question. He isn't asking for charts. Charts are all over the internet. In fact, not one of the charts in the reference above are sourced from POND BOSS. They are sourced to charts found on other websites. Give credit where due ... maybe?

Anyways, the OP wanted help with the coefficients that model individual species so he could put them in an excel spreadsheet. A chart is like a driving a nail with a rock. What does he do when he goes to your referenced charts and finds his length measurement lies between lengths of the chart? I suppose he could interpolate and such and continually hand enter the standard weights so he can calculate RW. But I am sure that he wanted a hammer to drive nails with. He wanted to model the standard weights with equations.

I am not sure what you were so quick to take issue with. The references that tabled the coefficients for many species ... or my showing him how to determine the coefficients on his own. Just chill. If the original poster is using excel, he can make use of my post.

Last edited by jpsdad; 03/28/24 04:59 PM.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers