Tested the fuel tank overnight, and it has the tiniest pinhole leak. So I figured I should call the manufacturer to weigh replacement versus repair.

Wow, got excellent customer service from Champion.

The service lady had to put me on hold for about 8" to find my part number since I have a discontinued model pump.

She had to get the supervisor to help, but they said they found it and still have it in inventory for the princely sum of $14.37. I asked her to hold so I could grab a credit card, and she said not to. Her supervisor thought they took a little to long for "good" customer support. They are just going to ship me a replacement tank at no cost.

I sure hope they did get the right one! If not, I may just JB Weld it in place and connect the fuel line.

Thanks for all of the help. I hope the carb is still in decent shape.