That sounds like an ambitious plan, one thing to consider, restocking that size pond from scratch will cost an immodest few bucks, I am aware of this because I just did it in the last four yrs.
Also how far is this place from your residence to be able to monitor and enjoy it somewhat closer?
Also, the Airbnb improved value of an upgrade like that would be immense, inotherwords there would be people renting it for the weekend just for the fishing opportunity with their kids, or even extended family, but it would need to be monitored after they leave almost after every visit, not unlike inspecting the house for damage, see how much trash is strewn around, that's my biggest beef about renting a pond out.
It could work out great but it could also turn into a headache, the Airbnb equation of it is going to be the biggest hurdle that I can see. people can be downright animals with other peoples property, the trophy size fish would be gone quickly, they will find a way to sneak them out.
It would help tremendously if they were able to over-fish the crap out of say the front half but not the back half, to be a refuge for the over-fishing, if there was a way to only let them have access to half the pond.
Good Luck!

All the really good ideas I've ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.