It doesn't take very long for Bluegill to start taking feed, so I would get started feeding your new fish now. Try and feed at the same spot(s) and same times to get the most fish on feed.

If you do start feeding now, I think you will get a spawn late spring/early summer/all summer long with just the fish you already have.

Adding larger CNBG now (and later) probably does not hurt your plan for having large Bluegill as you're going to get a Bluegill spawn regardless.

As such, you'll probably need a predator fish this summer to start eating on all the 2024-born bluegill that you're going to have.

If your LMB stockers for June are in the 2-3" range, they won't have a huge impact on cropping down the bluegill spawn for 2024. You should be able to find some larger LMB, or even bucket-stock some. As you're not really looking for trophy LMB, the actual quality if the LMB you stock is less important (may not matter if you stock some stunted LMB).

You may also want to consider some Hybrid Striped Bass. Be aware that the larger the predators are that you stock in 2024, the more at-risk are your original Bluegill stockers; however, if you get them on feed now, even the 1" Bluegill should be over 4" by late May '24.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."