Thanks all in advance for any insight/help.

I have a 1/4 acre pond in South/Central Florida.
It is in a swampy/wetlands part of the state.
We have some walking catfish, tilapia, bluegill, mosquito fish, turtles, snakes and occasionally an otter, haven't seen any gators, but I'm sure there have been some as our neighbors all have. We also have ducks about 12.
Bottom soil is sand and muck I believe since the rest of the property is too.
The depth is 4-10 feet in dry season (winter/early spring) and 8-14 feet in wet season (summer/fall)

We have planted a lot of trees around the pond and have lotus, pickerel weed, alligator flag and some other aquatic plants, but not sure what if anything is on the bottom. We do not have floating algae or anything like that.

I added colorant and beneficial bacterial and a 24/7 1/4 hp 9000gph floating fountain 3 months ago.

We can see the fish when they come up to feed, except the catfish they're too dark and there in lies my question. I took some water samples and images attached.

The chemistry is:
PH 6.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Phosphates 0.25 ppm

The water sample is slightly green, doesn't look too bad to me, but when looking at the pond it looks dark, blackish, so I can't see too deep. Online research points to tannins, but I would think the sample would be brownish/blackish if that were the case. I know the spring fed ponds here in Florida are crystal clear. I'm not getting millions of gallons of water a day pumped in like they do so I don't expect that, but wondering if I can improve its clarity any more.

Thanks for any ideas.

Attached Images
Screenshot_20230928_073826_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20230928_073943_Gallery.jpg