CC, I have caught countless walleye on 1/8 - 1/4 oz jig heads with plastics. Paddle tails like B-Fish-N's Pulse-Rs or Lunker City Ribsters will slow down the fall of the jig when they're not as aggressive. Minnow style like Gulp Minnows or Northland Impulse Minnows can be worked harder when they're being more aggressive. Just cast out and jig them back in, feeling the bottom before you jig again. If you get out in a little boat, I also like Jigging raps/ Shiver minnows on a more vertical jigging presentation. I've not gotten too many walleye on blade baits, but I have gotten a lot of Saugeye on vertical jigging blade baits.

Instead of plastics, you can try jigging live minnows, worms, and leeches as well.

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