This thread has evolved to ponds stocked with unusual species for the Latitude. A quick description of mine, WE and YP in an unusually far south pond. Stocked 6" WE in my 1.8 Acre pond April 2021, caught 14" WE in Oct , 2021 , 16" Dec 2021 . Fall of 2020 through fall of 2021 stocked
850 YP, 195 lbs of FHM's / Golden Shiners . ( lots of 3" to 9" GSH caught this spring early summer on lures , beautiful bright gold ,
back to silver color now ) . We are still catching WE 14" to 16" . Western Oklahoma , on I-40 , 61 miles from Texas Panhandle. Never seen a skinny one , see lots of 1.5"-2.5" GSH while feeding Optimal . Still catching YP on regular basis . Water depth average is
about 12' at Full pool, probably .2 Acres over 20' at full pool. Visibility summer months 24"-42" , winter 70"-96"+ . Don't know if this info is of interest , But must say, the Bonus Fish catches of WE, YP, and SMB , is exciting for the fishermen in Western Oklahoma , where every pond is LMB, BG, and CC , over and over .

My SMB , stocked with my WE, appear to have 2 successful spawns . Stockers 14"-18", 2022 spawn now 10" , 2023 5" caught in a clover leaf trap last week, only one so far.

Q#1 : Is lack of current , across a rocky , gravely bottom the #1 reason for lack of spawn for WE in smaller BOW ?

Q#2 : The 5"-9" GSH, although they colored up beautifully this spring , are they most likely sterile ? would you cull in a WE/SMB/YP pond ? The ovarian disease, at 3,4, or 5 YOA , is there still sufficient egg production to justify keeping ? If belly appears gravid and good golden color, does this indicate fertility ?

Q#3 : Stocked RES June 2021 for a massive snail infestation. 400, guessing I received ?150? RES, 100 NBG, 100 GSF, 50 assorted Hybrids , all a guess, niave enough to believe if a bought RES , I would get RES. 1" fish , so you know the story. The Lemonade is 9"- 10" BG, very thick , 8" GSF that thrill the kids. I do not want LMB. If I introduce my WE to my friend Mr.Skillet , how many Saugeye
would you stock to knock down the BG, GSF #'s substantially ? To give my YP a chance ?

Sorry first paragraphs rambled , hope you can make sense of them . God bless each of you.


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