Hi all--
We recently bought some land that came with a lovely spring-fed 3/4 acre pond that we'll eventually put a cabin or something near. It's man-made, with a retention dam that's over 100' wide at the top.
It's also got problems galore.... Funny how I didn't know what kind of problems a pond could have until AFTER we bought it!
Right now we've got turbidity, a possible leak I may have solved, what I think are maybe a whole lot of muskrats, silt issues with the inflow, and invasive buckthorn all around. I put some trout in to try to control the leeches, but it's cloudy enough that I don't know how well they'll do.
We don't fish, so the pond's main use is to be pretty and to play in (preferably without leeches....)

Anyway, I've enjoyed reading the conversations here, and thought I'd join in and, once I get some more concrete questions, I hope to take advantage of your collective wisdom!