Don, Pellet flies are Georges own unique creation. Not available for purchase anywhere and only someone who is used to pellet feeding would have thought of it. I expect George won't mind sharing his methodology. The darn thing is almost indestructible. It is made with foam (not styrofoam), panty hose, a hook and super glue. The super glue is important.

I'm a beginning fly fisherman that George and Meadowlark got hooked. I bought a mail order fly tying kit that included a video. I've not found a fly that pond fish just won't hit. That is, until they figure out that there are strings attached. The video mentioned a black gnat that most fish will readily hit and I found that to be absolutely true.

I developed an easy one that works well. I found some long pipe cleaner things called chenille stems at a craft store. They come in various colors and are made in Taiwan. I just cut off about an inch, wrap it around an appropriate sized hook and toss it where I'm feeding. It works like a charm and is dirt cheap. Its only drawback is that it sinks and the fish seem to inhale it and take it pretty deeply. They must like it. I mentioned the idea to a friend who got some white ones and used them for a second hook tied a couple of feet behind his main lure and cast them to feeding white (sand) bass. He said he caught more fish on them than he did the main lure. I've tried soaking flies in the fish oil that comes from vitamin stores and it seems to turn fish off. That oughta tell you something. I'm going to try just impaling it on a hook to see what happens.

I'm still experimenting with fly fishing but figure most of the gaudy feathers catch as many fishermen as they do fish. I caught a couple of good sized, hook shy, catfish the other day on a greenish foam concoction that is supposed to look like a spider. I know it looks like nothing I've ever seen in nature but it did hook me.

Bottom line is that you can build your own a lot cheaper than you can buy them. Also, the lures don't seem to last very long. Get a kit and you won't have to depend on the stores for anything but hooks. Heck, I shot a squirrel the other day and cut its tail off to use the fur for fly tying. My wife is looking at me kinda funny but she does that a lot. I'm still experimenting but finding that I'm limited only by my imagination.