Hello Jim

As you know we do a lot of wetland habitat for ducks out here. On several of our projects turtles became a problem particularly snappers. Go to E-bay and type in fike net .It will be a small 3 hoop net that is stacked in the water it with catch ALL kinds of turtles and allow you to transport them else where .If need be I can loan you one of mine for a few months. Another thing you may want to try is a turtle sun/box it is just a floating box with tapered sides .The turtle climbs up the side to sun then falls into the box .It will catch painted and teal pot turtle like crazy with out killing them….you can always drown them later hahahah. We trapped a few huge snappers out of water fowl pond when I was home last,it was well over 50lbs…….he became soup!

shoot'em in the lipps