Can Curly leaf pondweed be killed only in certain sections of a pond and left elsewhere?

I have a 2.3 acre neighborhood pond that we have been having professionally treated yearly for The curly leaf pondweed and for algae. (Cost: $2300)

The spring treatment does kill off the pond weed for that year, but killing all the pond weed means the algae goes nuts (since no other plants to consume the nutrients) which means the company has to spray multiple times a year for algae and the water generally looks cloudy and gross.

So I’m wondering if I could just treat on my own by spraying parts of the pond for the curly pond weed (like shorelines) and leaving other areas (center of the pond (weeds grow even there because pond is only 6’ deep or so) for the pond weed to still grow and maybe get somewhat of a balance and not have the algae blooms. Thoughts?

Last edited by ZTrain; 10/26/22 10:02 AM. Reason: Correction