Originally Posted by Pat Williamson
Hope you have some luck. Our deer and pigs have not had any acorns in going on 3 years….. few dropping now and nothing coming to feeder. Should make for a tough hunting year. Good for the animals though


We have a 150 y.o. bur oak (plus some 50-80 y.o. trees) in our yard in the middle of the city. They are producing an absolutely bumper crop of giant acorns this year, even though we are in a significant drought. (We did have decent moisture this spring when the catkins were on the trees.)

We have had people ring our bell and ask if they could pick up the massive acorns! I said to take as many as you want, especially off of the sidewalk since they are a hazard at this point.

I am definitely going to fill a few trash cans and transport some acorns to our farm for the deer. They quickly ate everything I put out four years ago when we had a similar crop.

Hopefully your Texas vegetation will get knocked back into "normal" mode soon!