Dave, the folks who run this forum indicate that software that runs this forum and handles the uploaded pictures is not working. We had a similar issue a few months back that took about a month to fix. Now it isn't working. I imagine someone from the PondBoss team must be working on it?

16 people tried to download your first picture but no one could open it.

I could try to explain how to embed your picture into your post but if the attached pictures are 'empty' or not visible then I'm not sure if the trick to embed them inline with your message will work either.

It is possible to find a 3rd party picture hosting site and then do some additional gymnastics to try to create an external link and then bring that link back to your message... but my experience is those sites tend to shut down or take your pictures hostage unless you pay which wrecks your pictures for all the future folks who want to go back and look at them. I did use photobucket as a hosting site for a while but it now has my pictures and has blurred them for me until i pay them.

Hopefully the folks who know how to do these things will fix the picture upload bug or continue to ask the bulletin board software IT team that hosts this forum to help fix it.

I'd love to see your pictures!