Originally Posted by FishinRod
Originally Posted by Snipe
[quote=FishinRod]If you don't see any other BG on beds, then you definitely have a lack of appropriate spawning habitat.


Your original post expresses concern about your BG and bass spawn and recruitment. What is the range of sizes that you catch and/or observe for each of these species?

(I fear that I previously put the cart before the horse! Trying to salvage the thread for you.)

With the bloom this year I haven't really been able to see many fish other than the ones I've caught. Prior to me liming the pond the visibility was better and I could observe fry better.

There are some BG fry I can see in flooded edges of the pond now. I only saw one fry ball of LB this year. Could see young bass swarming around the surface area structure I sank in the pond. Haven't been catching a lot of small bass - on a good bass fishing day in the summer I might be able to catch 5 or 6 in a couple hours with the fish averaging about a 1.5 lbs. The large bass seem to be pretty hook shy - have only had much luck catching them during spawning season.

In years past I figured crappie were decimating a lot of fry. At this point I think I have the crappie population pretty well thinned out.