Thanks guys, I'll try both suggestions.

I did speak to the New Orleans Branch Manager who is currently domiciled in Panama City, FL. His clan is doing fine and just trying to figure out how and when they can get back to Lousiana to position themselves for getting back into New Orleans.

If anyone knows anything about the condition of I-10 between Slidell, LA. and Mobile, AL., please let me know. My co-worker is not having any luck finding any info. on that topic.

Dudley, not wanting to assume anything here, but because you still have internet, does that mean you didn't get hit that hard? I hope all is OK at your pad. Don't forget, I still have a sub-let open on that sunken tire and wood pallet chalet in my pond that we've been saving for you. You can have it anytime, but you may have to grow some gills first!

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."