
Are there secrets to pushing dirt with a dozer to make the process more efficient or better. Techniques and tools might be a better way to answer this.

Not in my wildest nightmare could I remotely call myself an operator of heavy equipment, so take these comments with this in mind. Given enough time, patience and $$$$ I could build my dream pond with my little dozer. Minus the $$$$, I could accomplish the same with a just a shovel. A dozer is a tool. Different tools accompany different tasks. Go to any heavy equipment manufacturer's web site and look at the variety of dozers available. (I need a dribble bib when I visit those sites).

A dozer will push dirt but there is a point of diminishing returns. The boys over on ACMOC or will tell you this. If you want to "push" dirt a long distance, trench dozing is one efficient way to accomplish this. If you want to "move" dirt, the most efficient way, for me, is to have a contractor show up with an excavator and dump truck. He moved 1000 yards of dirt in one day. I couldn't even begin to tell you how long it would of taken me to accomplish what he did.

If you have the time, patience and $$$$ you'll learn the "techniques" to pushing dirt with a dozer. I think you'll agree that no matter how old we get, Tonka Toy envy stays with us. They have just gotten bigger and more costly. Now go play in the dirt!

ML, one of the first "cautions" the previous owner of my dozer told me involved obstacles. When going over an obstacle, always lower the blade. Seesaw physics can be deadly on a dozer.