Thank you for your input. I am growing more hesitant to invest in aeration as I read the forum. I would love to do a pond rebirth but the cost to do so, with no guarantee that the leaks would not reappear is just throwing good money after bad. I did it twenty years ago, spent $15,000+ and the pond leaked again within a few years. I can live with the leak if the pond's appearance could be improved by algae control. In summary you are suggesting forget the aeration and invest in tilapia and do limited chemical control. I have never fed the fish in the pond. The pond is not fished often however I have seen some 8-10 inch bass caught. I have no real idea of the fish population.

Does anyone know of where I could buy Tilapia in the southwest VA, upper East TN area? It sounds like I would need around 200 tilapia, as large as I could buy and repeat each year. What would that cost approximately?

Thank you and I will make a donation.