It is correct that fishing is not the main goal. The pond sits in the front yard of our family home so keeping it clear of algae and clean in appearance is the main goal. We boat a little and the grandchildren fish some but improving appearance is my main goal. I was told my someone in the same area that aeration really helped their algae control. Below is what one of the professionals I contacted for a quote told me:

"There are multiple tools for algae control.

One of the best long term management tools is getting an aerator installed. Proper aeration will increase the ponds ability to naturally process nutrient, reducing the algae growth naturally. The water movement helps break up the mattes of algae as well. The initial investment on an aerator is relatively substantial but if the aerator is initially installed it will greatly reduce the need for routine treatments. If algaecide is being used as the sole tool for control treating twice monthly throughout growing season could be necessary. But if an aerator is installed in combination with other indirect control options (discussed below) algaecides may only be needed a few times per growing season."

So I was disappointed in the response above that said aeration to control FA was a fallacy. The quotes run from $3,000 for equipment only to $6,700 for the full install. The clarity of the water seems good, I don't know how to measure exactly, except of course I can't tell as most of the summer has it 75% covered in FA and watermeal. Watermeal used to be the primary problem but now it has diminished and FA is dominate. I am concerned about aeration is the shallow end but one of the quotes put in "shallow water diffuser heads".
There are bass in the pond so does that eliminate Tilapia? There were some Isreal Carp put in the pond many years ago, so restocking with grass carp is a good idea I think. What about Koi?
I appreciate all the help. I do not have unlimited resources so I want to make the best decision possible before spending on aeration. I do want a professional to install as I am only doing this once and want it done correctly. Also if a professional is on site he may give me better ideas about how to control the algae ongoing. I will attempt to post some pics next.