I usually fish the traps in 1ft to 2 ft of water. If th trap has bright shiney wire mesth, I spray paint it a darker color so the brightness does not frighten the fish from entering the funnel. Set the trap parallel to shore. To increase the size of fish that it catchers, you can pinch the opening narrower and thus a little taller. If your bgill are too big to go into those traps, you should be able to easily catch them with a small hook (#12or10)and piece of garden worm under a bobber 3 to 4 ft deep.

Trap one or two days a week for the next two or three weeks intermixed with occasional bobber fishing. Thes two methods should provide good indication if bgill are present in your small pond.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management