
Thanks for typing up a response for my benefit! I think I am just being dense, and not correctly envisioning your set up.

I am seeing a column of water in the middle of your "stream" that gets elevated by 1.25" inches to get over the 1" wall to the pond. However, the gradient on the other side of your elevated column of water is still going be right around 0.0" since there is not any wall to push against. Therefore, most of your lifted water is going to flow down the gradient and AWAY from the wall. Your lifted water volume will not translate into the equivalent flow volume down the stream?

I think I can see how it would work by turning your 4" corrugated pipes into a smooth 90-degree bend and having the air-water mixture flow over the other side of the wall. However, I don't know how badly a 90 ell hurts your efficiency.

I am definitely NOT AN EXPERT in this area, but I believe a centrifugal pump would move more water over the wall for fewer kW-h on the electric meter than compressing air to provide the equivalent water flow.

However, a water circulation pump solution would not provide your pond with any significant aeration. Perhaps your solution will be more energy efficient in covering both needs simultaneously.

Hopefully, I am all wet and your system will provide an elegant solution!

I have many fond memories of catching walleye (and SMB) in Canada with my cousins. I hope your 2.5-acre pond creates many happy walleye which tends to create happy kids and grandkids!