Originally Posted by Sunil
Regarding the feed, HSB will hit all sizes of feed, but they'll also grow quickly enough to hit the Aquamax Largemouth/Optimal Hand Throw which are all close to 1" diameter.

I'm glad that you mentioned this. I stocked 8"-10" HSB last fall and I've been wondering if they're ready for the Hand Throw pellets.
I sampled a few in the spring, and they were ranging 12"-14". I don't bother them when the water temp is above 75°F. From watching
them feed I'd guess that they're running 14"-18" now. Would that size fish be able to swallow the Hand Throw pellets, or do I wait
until next summer to start with that stuff?

I have 20 of them, and they will wipe out a pound of the Bass pellets in less than five minutes.