Rangersedge :

You are wise to think about that now. My concern would be that what you stocked has grown in size and number thus the carrying capacity of the lake as drawdown will become an issue when hot weather arrives. Do you aerate? The LMB will have a field day when it starts to warm with the concentration of 17 acres of forage fish into 4 acres. You may need to stock some 3-5in. BG and RES in spring 07. Do you have a place you could move some to and bring back later? You might want to cull some this spring. The other question that comes to mind is the effect on this years spawn. Have your BG spawned in the pond in summer 05 ? Were the LMB 2in. when stocked in 05 ? If so they may or may not spawn this summer. If not that would be good. Anyway you will have to watch and see if any year class is lost this summer and adjust to the situation , if needed. Brush up on recognizing stress factors in fish as a precaution.