Well Mr Cody,
There have been several post regarding CC as the Primerary Preditor for a Catfish Bluegill Pond only. To me it is a very intersting topic. It really explores the preditory nature of catfish in general.
I thought it was a very interesting point brought out about the size of the CC's mouth, and how it can only eat the smaller size Bream. Well if this were the case, then I know the BC has a bigger mouth compared to the CC for a given body size.
This being true, could the BC then be a good enough predetor in a catfish bream only pond?

It seems as if you talk to some fish dealers they will make it seem as if BC were as good a predetor as bass. While others seem to think they are slightly below bass when it comes to being an effective predetor..
I don't know, just my 2 cents..